Monday, July 20, 2009





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Grossology Fact Of The Moment:

Did You Know?........That........

A flea can lift or drag stuff that is more than 100 times its weight.

Did You Know?........That........

A flea can lift or drag stuff that is more than 100 times its weight.Grossology Fact Of The Moment:

If you squeezed out all of the bacteria from your intestines, you could almost fill up a coffee mug. Anyone want a sip?

SplatMost of the time you don't find your own smells and scabs and oozes too disgusting. It is usually the same stuff on someone else's body that's really gross. But the reasons for the ickiness are identicalSplat whether it's you, your uncle, or the kid down the street. So as a beginning grossologist, you will find out a lot of sickening things about everyone.

Sylvia Branzei and Jack Keely
Welcome You to the Home Page of

The Science of Really Gross Things

Sometimes it's stinky. Sometimes it's crusty. Sometimes it's slimy. 
But hey, it's your body

Everything taken from

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